
DilapidationsRMA Surveyors Ltd provide interim and terminal schedules of dilapidations and advice on behalf of Landlords for all forms of commercial (and sometimes residential) premises throughout the Uniter Kingdom.

We also assist tenants in defending claims made against them by landlords, helping to reduce tenant liability at the end of a lease term.

We use our technical construction expertise to interpret lease documentation, undertake survey assessments, measure quantities, compile schedules of dilapidations, make detailed cost assessments of works required and undertake dilapidations negotiations. Where building works are required to be completed we are able to specify, tender works on behlaf of landlords and tenants and oversee reinstatement.

We also undertake incoming schedules of condition for parties entering into new leases. All our schedules provide a detailed assessment and photographic record of the condition of a property at the commencement of a lease.

We’re based in Newbury, Berkshire and cover the south of the UK. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

For more information about dilapidations, please call RMA Surveyors on 01635 579208.

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